Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Men..If Women Are From Venus You Better Learn How To Speak “Venetian"!

I don’t claim to have all of the wisdom in the world but I do know one thing.  Fellas, if you want to experience a life of peace and prosperity with the women you love you better learn their language.  I don’t think most men take this as seriously as they should.  I have found in my dealings in relationships that men tend to see themselves as either the victim or the dictator in their relationship.  

These are two very wide extremes.  Now let me say that this may not be for every man to read but I believe it is safe to say we can think of a few men we know that are either playing the role of dictator or victim in their relationship. They are blaming too much on the women around them without taking honest inventory of themselves and their own faults. 

 Well, why do men do this?  One simple word. Insecurity.  Many men won’t admit that they are insecure in certain areas of their lives that cause them to either exercise dominating force in their relationships or play the victim role and point the finger at their lady and what their lady is or isn’t doing. Dude.. MAN UP .. STOP IT.

Fellas, the reality is you probably value peace of mind above most things.  If you are like me you may even value peace above some of the most basic needs men desire such as food, stability, or “physical touch.”  Well, let me help you.  If you want peace become an interpreter of your lady’s thoughts and emotions and act on them.  I promise it will come back to you with interest.  

Now, I hear you thinking to yourself “so you want me to be a mind reader?”  Well, not so much.  I’m just asking you to PAY ATTENTION. If you pay attention you will show yourself to be a true “wizard of your woman’s ways.”  I dare not claim to be a perfect 10 in this category but let me tell you some simple ways to get more joy,  fulfillment, and peace out of your relationships with the women in your life.

1-   Think About It And Do It Before They Have To Ask – I say it all the time.  I don’t care what year it is most women still want a man to lead.  There are probably some simple things you can think of that she may need help with.  Picking up the groceries, cleaning the car, or picking up the kids from daycare. If you think about it before they ask you are well on your way to being more of the man you desire to be and not to mention having a better relationship with her. PAY ATTENTION. Ask yourself what do they do in their daily routine that you can help with? What do you see them do each day that you can start assisting in? START THERE! PAY ATTENTION! DO IT AND STOP WHINING!

2   2-   Just Listen -  I have found that many women don’t want a solution to their problems they just want you to listen.  Many times you may want to solve the problem. This is just in our nature. Now if they ask you for a solution to a problem be prepared to give your feedback.  However, if you just listen you will find it’s actually more beneficial for them.  Often times your lady will just need to get some stuff off her chest.  You may see it as “nagging” or “complaining” and to be honest it may stretch your patience.  However, if you can learn to just listen and give honest support you will find that after she feels heard she will feel more connected to you and open to your thoughts. 

3   3-  Most Women Drop Hints, They Don’t Always Say It – Have you ever been frustrated because you are trying to figure out what exactly she wants you to do?  If so you are not alone.  I am not 100% sure why this is the case as of yet, but I think it’s because many women want you to do something for the simple fact that you want to do it, not because they ask you. 

       Let’s give some examples.  If she says” Honey, have you noticed that some of our dishes are chipped”?  This could be a hint that you may need to take the initiative to purchase some new dishes.  Now you may say to yourself. “she didn’t ask me to get new dishes.”  I say to that “Bingo. That’s the point. She doesn’t want to say it , she wants you to say it and follow it up with action.” 

       Let’s say she says “I’ve been in traffic all day, is there any food at the house for dinner?”  This could be a hint that she would like some help with dinner that night.  Now you may say “but she didn’t’ ask me to cook dinner!”.  I say to that “you are right, she doesn’t’ want to ask she wants you to do it because you are willing and able to help”.  
      Here is the BIG ONE. Let’s say there is something around the house that is broken.  If you are like me you are not the most handy person.  However I’ve found that if you can fix anything that is broken for your lady before she has to ask you, she will be extremely appreciative and will reward you in her own way and that can be a VERY good thing.

I hope this helps someone.  Let’s pray.

 Lord God help me to learn the communication styles of the ladies in my life.  Help me to love, serve, give, be patient, and act on all of our needs to produce a peaceful and prosperous life.

 In the Name of Jesus Amen!

Jonathan Richardson, M.Div. is the Pastor of Faith Forward Church 
 Faith Forward Enterprises, INC. and Faith Forward Group, LLC.


  1. Wow. You spoke Venetian!! Lol. Hit the nail on the head.

  2. Wow. You spoke Venetian!! Lol. Hit the nail on the head.
