Thursday, June 2, 2016


Church planting is a joy and a serious and strenuous task all at the same time. New churches have an opportunity to build something that will bless many!
As I take the time to think about what truly is meant by the great commission "to go and make disciples",  I thought of three reasons why you should pray for new churches to grow and impact the lives of their communities.
1)  New Churches Create Opportunities For Evangelism -When a new church is planted in a community she is able to reach new people.  

A church plant helps to attract individuals that may not have a church home, have experienced church "burnout" or church hurt, and inspire new opportunities to evangelize and disciple new believers!  New churches have an evangelistic mindset.   New churches are focused on who they can reach that may not be currently connected to a church home and sharing the love of Jesus with them.
2) New Churches Can Create A New Culture For Worship 
One of the challenges of "established 
"churches is they can fall into a "dry" routine of worship.

When you do the same thing the same way for years there is a tendency to not be open to God moving in a new way that can bless people through a fresh impartation of God's Spirit.  New Churches have an opportunity to create a new culture for Worship that may be different from traditional settings.  New churches are open to God moving an in a new way to bless God's people in a new way.
3) New Churches Resemble The Closest Thing To The First Century Church The first century church was a radical group. They were ready to conquer new territory and spread the name of Jesus.  They also were a community focused on making a true impact! They were not focused on offerings or buildings, but primarily evangelism, signs and wonders, sharing all they had with each other and spreading the name of Jesus.  

This was the first century church and the church must always remember our foundation to remember our objective.
Today I'd like you to pray for Faith Forward Church and all of the new churches in the world.  Pray that God continue to bless them to multiply and make disciples!

Jonathan Richardson, M.Div. is the Pastor of Faith Forward Church 
 Faith Forward Enterprises, INC. and Faith Forward Group, LLC.

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