Tuesday, April 17, 2018


Scripture tells us that wisdom is the principal thing. (Prov 4:7).

You can have alot of knowledge but no wisdom. One definition of wisdom is the application of knowledge.

The “word of wisdom” is a piece of wisdom or advice that comes to you to help you know how to apply what God desires you to do.

The “word of wisdom” helps you to organize and plan your desires and the events of your life. The “word of wisdom” is strategy.

The “word of wisdom” is an instruction for your life that includes not just information but instruction.

Think of the “word of wisdom” as heavenly coaching. Think of it as heaven coaching you on how to plan and to purse who you are and what you are called to do.
Let me give you an example of “the word of wisdom.” This week during prophetic focus I ministered a "word of knowledge" to a young lady. She mentioned her passion was to become a make-up artist.

I gave her a "word of knowledge" that God has not just called her to be a make-up artist but to tap into the beauty and event planning industry. One benefit of the “word of knowledge” is to give you insight and information that you would have never known. It is a powerful gift of the Spirit.

I then ministered to the young lady and told her that with this information she would also need to take professional photos, design a website, and to begin contracting with other people to extend their services to her clients.  This was a "word of wisdom."  This was application.  This was strategy.  This expanded her vision and ignited her faith to dream bigger.

You may need a “word of wisdom” and a “word of knowledge” today. If so simply reply on the link below for a week of prophetic focus.

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