Monday, September 30, 2019

Friday, September 20, 2019


20 MINUTE PROPHETIC SESSION THIS SATURDAY! I’ve been on the move but I was lead to make time this Saturday for Prophetic Focus.

I receive much communication and I want to speak prophetically into your life.

The prophetic word is life changing and will grant much direction.

Respond to this email with a time that is good for me to call you Saturday and a seed gift for our time together at

I’m believing that the seed gift is honorable for what we believe our focus time will offer.

Let’s talk Saturday!

Pastor J. Richardson

Friday, September 6, 2019


HOW TO HANDLE DISTURBING DREAMS AND VISIONS. Lately I’ve been getting questions from people that have had disturbing dreams and vision.

I’ve had a few myself recently. Here are 6 ways to assist you when you have a disturbing dream or vision.

1. Every dream isn’t from the Spirit of God. This is something that you must continue to discern.

Our subconscious and the dream world could be tied together to give us images of a hidden thought or desire in our heart.

Pray about which dreams are from the Spirit of God and how God would have you to address these.

2. Don’t be so quick to share your vision and dream. Some visions may disturb you to the point where you want to talk about them right away.

They will sit with you and you will wonder what they could mean. Daniel had many visions and dreams.

He even said that he was disturbed by some of them to the point of exhaustion. What did Daniel do? He went to sleep.

In other words he rested and let the dream/vision rest with him. Sit with it and continue to keep seeking God for understanding.

3. If the dream/vision is concerning someone or something around you start paying more attention to them or that thing.

As the scripture says “watch and pray”. Notice changes or areas of challenge with things or people around you that could be in alignment with your dream.

4. Remember some things are not to be told and timing is everything. You can’t tell everything to everyone.

You also can’t share some details because they are not meant to be told, but fulfilled. Some things God shares with you are concerning the future so you can manage the present.

Allow the picture to play out and if you feel released to share your vision or dream pray for the proper timing.

5. Write it down. Everything in your vision or dream has symbolic significance. Write as much of the dream down and get with your spiritual leader to assist you with interpretation.

6. Never be afraid. Some dreams will give you understanding of the “dark world.”

Remember the Devil is defeated and if he attempts to manifest himself to you in your dreams it is only because you are equipped to do battle against him.

Never be intimidated. Speak faith and the blood of Jesus against him.

Let me know how I can pray for you and keep the faith.

Join our September Focus Group.

Monday, August 5, 2019



Join our August Prophet Focus Group on the link

The Spirits of Heaviness, Death, and Depression are three Spirits Satan uses to rob us of our true self.

These Spirits make us want to no longer live and also leave extreme heaviness in our souls.

The Spirits of Heaviness, Death, and Depression seek to drain us of life and push us to a place where we no longer have joy or desire to live.

These Spirits suck the life and joy out of us.

Although we may look fine from day to day and can function with these Spirits. They linger in our souls waiting for the moment to attack.

Here are 6 ways to Overcome the Spirits of Heaviness, Death, and Depression.

▪️Fast. Don’t Eat until it leaves. Fast if you don’t eat until another 3 days. Sounds extreme but extreme cases cause for extreme actions.

Fasting is for the soul. As you fast this Spirit will lift from you because your fasting floods your soul ( the place of your mind, will, and emotions) with the Spirit of God. Fasting gives your soul relief from the weight your feel.

▪️Rebuke the Root. There is always a root cause to the Spirits of Heaviness, Death, and Depression.

Deep rooted issues usually have this lingering spirit. If you have experienced abuse, hatred, molestation, miscarriage, murder, abandonment, divorce, abortion, ridicule, etc. the fruit of these things are they can create a vacuum in your soul and can leave room for evil Spirits to intrude that make you want to die or consistently have no joy. Rebuke the root cause.

Find the source and deal with it from a Spiritual place.

▪️Forgive. The fruit of forgiveness is not just healing but advancement. As difficult as it may be you are stuck until you forgive.

▪️Seek Apostolic Covering & Deliverance. Everyone is not equipped to cover you during demonic opposition.

Jesus empowered the original Apostles to overcome the demonic. For challenges with the demonic you must sit under an apostolic anointing.

▪️Consistent Worship. Worship is the doorway to liberation in Christ.

The enemy desires to keep you bound and thus desires to stop your worship.

Worship DAILY. Worship like your life depends on it BECAUSE IT DOES. WORSHIP UNTIL YOU ARE FREE.

▪️Call on the name of Jesus. At the name of Jesus every knee must bow and tongue confess that he is Lord.

Phil 2:10-11. At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Let me know how I can pray with you this week.

#PastorJRich #RICHwords

Tuesday, July 30, 2019



Today while reading an email for someone in our Prophetic Focus Program it has been confirmed in me the accuracy of the prophetic word.

I wanted to share with you some Keys To Prophetic Accuracy.

Join our August focus group


▪️Fear God With The Gift - Remain reverent to God and know that it is only by God’s gift and grace we are able to prophesy.

▪️Sacrifice Your Life Through Consecration - Consecration will amplify your gift.

Although some people are naturally inclined to the prophetic a lifestyle of consecration helps you to be more in tune with what the Spirit of God is saying.

▪️Know Your Language - Become familiar with how you hear God and how your gift works.

Do you primary “see”, “hear”, or “know”? Become a student of your gift.

▪️Prayer - The Prophetic is birthed in the chamber of prayer. The more you pray the more God will reveal to you.

▪️Don’t be eager to prophesy - Avoid the pressure to “have a word.”

Don’t feel like you must always prophesy.

In some cases it’s better to fight the urge to prophesy because it will give you more time to discern the accuracy of your word.

▪️Know Scripture - Prophesy the Word Of God. The Word itself is prophetic.

Many times the Holy Spirit will bring back the Word in to your remembrance to illustrate the prophetic word.

▪️Study everything you can on the prophetic- Read on the topic. Study people who write on various aspects of the prophetic.

Your gift grows as you become more familiar with the nuances of the prophetic through study.

▪️Submit and Sow into the grace you want to receive - You will grow in the same grace as the leaders you submit to.

Find the grace you want to receive from and become a spounge. Soak up their wisdom and anointing and sow into them regularly.

Monday, July 22, 2019


Today remember that God has your instructions. I’ve been in a great place of prayer and seeking for the next moves of God in my life.

I feel his presence and the anointing in even greater ways.

I want you to experience this as well.

This week try to step away from your weekly agenda to get alone with God.

You need HIS voice.

You need HIS instructions

You need HIS path to prosperity for you.

This day receive supernatural instructions by the Holy Spirit.

I want to pray for you for instructions in this next season if your life.

Today we declare you receive supernatural instructions.

We pray that you know exactly what God wants you to do.

Allow God to lead you this week.

Respond and let me know how I can pray for you.

Monday, July 8, 2019

L.E.A.D. Conference Discount Through This Week!

We’ve extended the registration discount through this week! We want to be a blessing.

Register on the link.

Space is filling up! The Saturday day sessions will sell out!

More speaker announcements on the way!

Monday, June 24, 2019


The Secret To Answered Prayers - Abide In Him. I want to share a word of faith and encouragement with you.

During my prayer time today I heard "Im giving you what you ask according to John 15."

This is a season where I am in faith for some big things. I am expecting Jesus to do the extraordinary in my life.

I wanted to share this with you because the words in John 15 apply to everyone and how we can be fruitful and see our prayers answered. These are the words of John 15: 5-8

5 “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.

6 If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned.

7 If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.

8 By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.

These words speak about Jesus being the vine and Jesus being the place of our fruitfulness and success.

The scripture states that we must be connected to Jesus, and allow Jesus to cut off the things in us that bear no fruit.

Thereby, If we abide, stay, remain in Him and His words abide in us we will ask what we desire, and it will be done for us.

The secret to your fruitfulness and prayers being answered begins with abiding in Him.

Staying in relationship and intimate connection with Jesus is what grants you access to a new level of fruitfulness and answered prayers.

Remain in Him and allow Jesus to do the extraordinary in your life.

Monday, June 3, 2019


The #MyLeadNow2019 conference is going to be great.

Do me a favor.

1) Pray for this conference. If God isn’t in it, then it won’t be all that it could be with YOUR prayers. Pray this conference will become one of the premier annual gatherings for 5 Fold Ministry Leaders.

2) Im going to be reaching out to 10-15 people to be ambassadors/Intercessors for this conference. If this is you shoot me a message. We are planning a L.E.A.D Ambassadors conference call for this week.

3). Go register on the link or sponsor/sow into the vision at $MyLeadNow.

We are releasing our first speakers and hotel accommodations this week

Save the date and meet us in Atlanta Oct 11-12. Let’s L.E.A.D.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019


Say It! There is nothing God can’t do. Use your words to speak your future. Im excited about our new series this Sunday “Say It.”

It’s a series on the Word of God and the Prophetic Power Of Words. Speak what you expect to see! It’s happening NOW!

Sunday 11:30am - 403 Powers Ferry Road SE
Marietta, GA 30067
I’m praying and believing that God will grace the L.E.A.D. Conference to be the premier annual gathering of five fold ministry leaders. #PastorJRich #Share

This will be the first year and I can feel something BIG.

I’ve always said and seen that where there is vision there is provision.

We’ve started everything we’ve endeavored to do from scratch. We started a church, ministry ventures, and now a yearly conference.

There is a grace on us to build. If you’ve been apart of anything our ministry has endeavored to do know we appreciate you and this is good ground.

Yes we will be opening registration. But I believe there are people that see vision and will sow.

You may not make the conference this year.

You may be one of our partners in another country.

You may just want to be a blessing to what we are building.

The aim of the L.E.A.D. conference is to lift, equip, advance, and develop for the five fold ministry.

I'm looking forward to what this yearly conference will create. SAVE THE DATE!

We will be announcing guest speakers, musicians, and hotel accommodations week by week. You can register online.

It will be worth it.



Join us in prayer for this vision. We won’t let you down. See you in Atlanta Oct 11-12. #MyLeadNow2019 #PastorJRich #Share

Wednesday, May 22, 2019


View our latest episode from the television ministry! This episode is entitled "God Chasers.”

In this episode you will learn ways to chase after the presence of God.

Did you know that God desires to be sought after?

David desired to seek God.

David was a worshipper.

David wanted to be in God's presence.

Because of this David was always encouraged and uplifted even in difficult times.

View the link to watch this episode of Faith Forward with Pastor Jonathan Richardson.
I pray the program is a blessing to you.

I’m excited about the partners of this television ministry.

I want to send you some gifts for your partnership this month.

For partnership this month I want to send you a copy of my book “Driving In The Faith Lane”, a ministry t-shirt, and a vile of consecrated oil.
Become a partner with our television ministry this month at our optional partnership levels!

For your partnership level I will be sending you a gift.

$25 - Consecrated Vile of Oil

$50- Consecrated Vile of Oil and a copy of my book

$150 or more - Consecrated Vile of Oil, a copy of my book, and ministry T-Shirt (respond to this email with your partnership level and your size/color for your T-Shirt)

There is absolutely NO VALUE I can place on your partnership. I just want to send you a token of my sincere appreciation.

Thank you for your prayers and partnership and keep praying for me.

Pastor J. Richardson

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


STRATEGY FOR MILLIONS. Skill is not enough. An idea is not enough. You must seek God for prophetic strategy.

I'm very excited about what was released to me in prayer last night.

I believe there is a grace for "strategy for millions."

This rested heavily on my spirit last night during prayer.

I can still hear the echo's of "strategy for millions." in my spirit.

Today I want to speak a divine grace for strategy and wisdom.

Spend time with Holy Spirit. Get a good mentor. Invest in yourself.

Allow God to release the strategy that leads to your increase.

I want to share more about prophetic strategy and how to receive it.

Let's begin 4, 8, or 12 weeks of Prophetic Focus. Im praying strategy is released.

Pastor J. Richardson

Tuesday, May 14, 2019


Be still & know that he is God! You will receive answers today & hear his voice! Keep listening! Today receive peace & know that it’s already done! The plan of God for your life wont be stopped!

Thursday, May 2, 2019


MAY IS THE MONTH OF INITIATION! Go after it! It's been waiting for you. Go get your blessing.

As you take initiative your territory is being enlarged. Every place you set your foot down we believe you will see victory! ‬

Testimonies continue to come of birthing of new businesses, ministries, and the confirmation of the prophetic words.

I want you to see for yourself. 4 weeks of Prophetic Focus will shift your life.

I want to invite you to learn more. Each month we are growing in the number in our focus group. Join our May focus group on the link!

If you are looking for prophetic insight visit the link and learn about Prophetic Focus.


Is there a way to touch the heart of God through your giving?

Is there a way to invite God into your life and accelerate the favor on your life through giving?

The answer is "yes."

The bottom line is that God requires our giving through the tithe.

We know this through the scriptures in the book of Malachi 3:8-18. Your tithe belongs to your local church.

However, I see God move in a special way through what I call the "Acceleration Seed."

We know that Solomon was the wisest man in all of scripture.

We often teach about how Solomon asked for wisdom and God granted him riches and wisdom.

However we don't inquire about what Solomon did before this.

Let's discuss.

2 Chronicles 1: 6-7 states "6 Solomon went up to the bronze altar before the Lord in the tent of meeting and offered a thousand burnt offerings on it. 7 That night God appeared to Solomon and said to him, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.”

Did you see that? Solomon made a great sacrificial offering to God, and God came to him after this.

Solomon sacrificed 1,000 burnt offerings. Spend some time with this scripture in your time of devotion.

The scripture then goes on to say that Solomon receives wisdom and riches from God.

Did you get that? Solomon's sacrifice accelerated God intervening in his life.

Solomon's sacrifice accelerated God coming to his life and offering him a request.

It was placed in my Spirit that at the beginning of each month we should believe by faith through an acceleration seed and declare by faith what that month will bring us.

I believe that favor is in the seed.

I believe that our faith through the seed raises our expectations for our outcomes.

I believe our seed meets our needs.

I sow over and above my tithe and I'm seeing the fruit.

There is a grace for acceleration, increase, and prophetic manifestation on this ministry.

Pray for acceleration this month. Pray and seek if the seed of acceleration is for you.

Sow by faith. Believe for acceleration. Name your seed.

Let's pray. Lord I believe today that my faith, prayers, and seed is accelerating the favor on my life.

I believe by faith that God is accelerating what he has promised to bring to me.

I believe by faith with my seed over and above my tithe that my seed is breaking the back of lack.

I declare my seed meets my need!

Sow by faith.

There is a grace for acceleration on this ministry.

We sow each month an acceleration seed of $100 or more by faith.

Expect advancement and acceleration.

It is so!

Sow by faith


Friday, March 22, 2019


Today I want to speak expansion on your life! Last night my prayer was for “more grace.”

I’ve learned that we are empowered to do more for God only with his help. God gives us more grace to cover more ground and expand our territory.

We are given increase and expansion as God graces and empowers us to do so.

There are so many wonderful things that have happened in your life, but God has more!

Today I pray “MORE GRACE” to you!

I pray God graces you for increase.
I pray God graces you to make a greater impact.
I pray God graces you for the impossible.

You will accomplish all God has for you through his grace!
Thank you for praying for our TV ministry! We believe for MORE GRACE!

Partner with us at
Faith Forward Enterprises, PO BOX 932063, Norcross, GA 30003

Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Faith Partners! Tune into the Word Network Saturday at 11am est for a recent interview I had with Pastor Jamal Bryant.

We discussed my new book “Driving In The Faith Lane” and what we can do to draw young adults and millennials to the church.

I’m so thankful for the opportunities God has afforded us this year.
ALSO! An opportunity has been presented to host a weekly program on Atlanta TV 57.

This month I was a guest on Atlanta TV 57 to talk about my new book, and keeping the faith through loss and life transition.

View the full video on the link.

Thank you Partners. Continue to pray with us.

Thank you for praying and sowing into our ministry efforts including our TV Ministry.

If you would like to become a partner of our church and television ministry please partner in giving at

Keep The Faith!
Pastor J. Richardson

Wednesday, January 30, 2019


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Listen to the testimonies from January Prophetic Focus! 

We know scripture says that we overcome by the "blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony."

Testimony is powerful. There is nothing like testimony to activate your faith. 

Listen to the testimonies from January prophetic focus and register for February!

Listen to the testimonies from January Prophetic Focus on the link

Im excited about February Prophetic Focus!
Register on the link.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Let’s talk about faith. I define faith as the power to fuel your future by the grace of God.

When you have faith you believe that God can do something amazing in your life at any moment.

That’s one of the reasons I wrote “Driving In The Faith Lane.” I wrote this book to fuel your faith for the road ahead.

Get your autographed copy shipped to you on the link
Today I want to pray for your faith to stay strong. Don’t allow where you are to blind you of your future. Your faith will make the difference.

Let’s pray. Lord today I ask you to keep my faith strong. I declare that my faith will make the difference. Speak to my heart and accomplish great things today. I confess my faith in you. Amen.
New messages from Faith Forward Church are available now in our podcast. Download on your Apple and Google podcasts!
Make sure to register for Faith Academy! Get ready to grow in your gifts.
Text “Forward” to 292929 to receive your daily word of faith.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019


We are ready for 2019! Come grow in your gifts for our first in person Faith Academy.

If you have enjoyed the webinars get ready for more in person gatherings starting in Atlanta. Meet us this month!

Register on the link!

This event is open to the public. The general registration is free and the tier two registration comes with a week of our prophetic focus program.

Register on the link!

Thursday, January 3, 2019



This year you will see increase. You are about to see increase and abundance in every area of your life as you apply the principles of God.

You must go into this year expecting increase. You must go into this year with radical faith.

You must know that failure is not an option. You must believe that the only thing you will see is INCREASE.

As you do this you will activate your faith and works for supernatural increase.

It is God’s will that you prosper, and for you to prosper there are some things that you must do to position your life for increase.

Here is what you must do to posture and position yourself for increase.

You must create order in your life. You must operate with God's agenda in mind.

You must forgive past hurts. You must be a great steward. You must rid your life of unhealthy relationship and soul ties.

You must move in faith and obedience. You must invest in yourself.

As you position yourself with these things and posture your life for increase you will see the favor of God bless your family, finances, marriage, business, health, children, relationships, and every area of your life that you position for increase.

Prepare to grow. Prepare for more! It’s the time of increase for you.

💥💥Make this faith declaration out loud!

I DECLARE unexpected blessings are coming my way. I will move forward from barely making it to having more than enough.

God will open up supernatural doors for me. He will speak to the right people about me. I will see Ephesians 3:20 exceedingly, abundantly, above-and-beyond favor and increase in my life.

I am blessed. I am favored. I am living in the overflow. My bank account is blessed.

My businesses are blessed. My investments are blessed. My seed multiplies and produces a harvest.

I sow by faith. I receive supernatural increase from my tithe, offering, and seed gifts into my church, my pastor, and those in need. I am the lender and not the borrower.

I have more than enough. God blesses me to be a blessing.

I will have more this year than I ever have. My life is going to a new level.

This is the time of supernatural increase and favor for me, as I align myself with the will of God.

As God increases me I draw others to my source of provision. I draw others to the living God. I open their eyes to God's system of overflow and redemption.

I declare there will be no lack, outstanding debt, bankruptcy, foreclosure, liens, garnishments, bank fees, overdraft fees, legal fees, or negative account balances.

I declare I will see financial returns, checks in the mail, interest gained, royalties, honorariums, increased salary, electronic deposits, multiplication of my income, new clients for my business, insurance settlements in my favor, overtime pay, supernatural favor on my job, men will give to my bosom, seeds will be deposited into my life.

I will only see increase and the favor of the Lord on my life THIS YEAR! It is so! In the name of Jesus. Amen.