It’s hard to believe that Faith Forward Church has been in existence for 3 years.
Here are some of the wonderful thoughts I have as another BDay and 3 years of Pastoring approaches.
I pray this inspires someone on the verge of walking into their next level of purpose. I’m going to post 35 life and leadership lessons I’ve learned over the past 3 years. I’m no expert but I’ve got some thoughts that I believe will assist young leaders, visionaries, and entrepreneurs.
If this blesses you click on the link below to learn more about “35 for 35” and how you can be a blessing to our church vision.
Follow the hashtag #JRich3535 to follow the conversation over the next month.
Lesson 1: “You Are The Lid To Your Success”. John Maxwell calls this the Law of the Lid. Your organization can grow no more than your personal growth and capacity. If you want to grow what you are doing focus on personal growth first.
Lesson 2: You Can’t Think “It Wont Work”. - You’ve got to be all in. You can’t expect to reap a full harvest on half the effort. If you are going to pursue your purpose halfway, then just wait until you can put in a full effort. Don’t waste your time or anyone else’s.
Lesson 3: “Relationships, Relationships, Relationships”. I can’t say it enough. Relationships are the doorway to your success. God will bless you but usually the blessing will come in the form of a relationship. Invest in the people around you.
Lesson 4: “Where there is Vision God Sends Provision”. Our church started with a personal investment of $400 to pay the hotel rental for our first service. I had a vision of something much bigger. Three years later our church is able to hire staff, be a blessing to our community, and we are looking for our own location. The school where we meet is great but we believe for more. Get a vision and God will send provision.
Lesson 5: “Start With What You Have”. You won’t ever have all of the pieces to the puzzle. Don’t let that stop you. Go in faith with what you have and God will send what you need to grow.
Lesson 6 - “Count The Cost”. I knew full well what I was signing up for when I took a leap of faith to start Faith Forward with 10 people and minimal financial backing. A Pastor recently said to me “Rich I applaud you there is no way I could do that.” I always reply with “we all have our grace.” Make sure you count the cost of the sacrifice. Don’t be naive. Faith and Purpose will take you to your prayer closet for sure.
Lesson 7 - “God will send you partners in purpose”. I can’t tell you how on time God ALWAYS is. There have been weeks when I don’t know what to expect, but GOD. God sends a person, God sends a love gift, God sends an encouraging word. I’m no longer surprised by the “on time blessings God sends”. Keep the faith. God will send the people to partner with your purpose.
Lesson 8 - “Don’t be scared. More people support you than you think”. One of the challenges leaders and entrepreneurs have is the “fear of failure”. The only thing you should fear is what happens if you don’t try. If one person shows up to your first event that’s one more than you had. If one person donates a dollar to your first event that’s one more than you had. I was listening to Tyler Perry talk about how no one would show up to his first shows and well.. you know the rest.
Lesson 9 - “Do it like it’s already big”. One question I would often ask people that attended these very early days in our church was why do you drive past all of these great churches in Atlanta and come to this little start up church in a hotel. The reply I always got was “you preach like it’s 1000 people in the room.” I would always respond “because that’s how I feel.” I always saw what I was doing as big even though it seemed small. If you do it like it’s big, people will treat it like it’s big.
Lesson 10 - It’s called “Sweat Equity”. What you don’t see behind these photos is the hours of set up, planning, trips back and forth to the hotel to haul equipment; trips to the music store to purchase instruments, and numerous phone calls, emails, and text messages to all parties involved to handle any logistics all just to pull of a 90 minute widow where we can experience God together. You gonna work. You gonna sweat. You gonna pay for what you desire. In the end it will be worth it. I’ve learned that God will grow you as you are faithful in your assignment.
If this blesses you click on the link below to learn more about “35 for 35” and how you can be a blessing to our church vision.
Keep the faith. #FaithWorks #FaithForwardChurch. #RICHwords. |