Monday, March 20, 2017


Last weekend I went to a powerful "God Encounter." The spirit of God was so heavy that my spirit was lead to fast.  I inquired of the Lord how long should I fast? "The Holy Spirit whispered back to me "eat on Monday." Keep in mind it was almost Saturday morning, however I knew the voice of God. Something prompted me and I was "literally hungry" for what I wanted God to do next in my life.

I left service that night and Friday after midnight had my "last supper".  The spirit of God had to empower me to do this. I had never done a water only fast. I actually wasn't sure I could do such a thing.  I won't say that it wasn't hard, but it wasn't painful. It didn't hurt. My soul was supernaturally nourished.   It stretched my spirit and my flesh for sure but there was something supernatural at work. 8 hours went by, then 12, before you knew it I hadn't eaten anything in a full 24 hours and I wasn't in pain (i was hungry) but not in pain. I drank more water and was satisfied.

I even attended a birthday party dinner Saturday night. I thought "didn't the Lord know I had a four coursed meal on the calendar."  I made jokes at dinner about my fast.  I tried not to bring attention to myself although I had a friend that kept saying "you know you want a cupcake".  It was funny. I made it through the very eventful night with about 3 glasses of water.

The next day was a little harder. I woke up Sunday morning to complete my normal church routine. I set up for service. Preached, came home, rested, but by about 6pm on Sunday I began to feel the hunger. I thought "let me stay busy to keep my mind off food". I decided to go to a evening service.  While on the way in my car I believe something supernatural happend. I finally was hungry. This fast had reached a crossroads of flesh and spirit, faith and fear, mind over matter. I was weak.

However, it was in that moment I became slightly nauseous, but within that nasuea my hunger went away. I felt something switch in my spirit like a light switch turning on.  There was an internal breakthrough.  I can't explain it,  I just know I felt it.  The nausea was a signal God was doing something in my spirit. After the Nausea the hunger held off long enough to get me across the finish line of my fast.

The Lord infused faith, favor, and a deeper level of purpose in me that weekend. After midnight early Monday Morning i had a very anticlimactic meal at Dennys. You know I ordered everything. I even had in my mind all day what i was going to eat.  Country fried steak with eggs, grits, hasbrowns, pancakes, and a sweat tea!
I ordered this only to find out i couldn't eat  as I wanted. 

I have developed a discipline of fasting. Usually after the fast it is revealed to me what came out of that fast. I inquired of the Lord "what came out of this fast" The Lord whispered to me "Holiness." Now I'm not saying I'm perfect by any means. But there was an internal cleansing that took place. A cleansing that I know is needed to go to the next level. You want to go to the next level right?  Let the Spirit speak to you,  grow you, wash you.

There are some things as a result of this fast I know without a doubt they are out of my system.  We all need a "spiritual detox" I know. I have learned that many times God won't do something through us until he first does it in us.  We have to be consumed with the will of God to go to new levels spiritually. We must consume and ingest Gods will for us. Something has been done in me and God wants to do something great in you. He is a wonderful Lord.  He is a mighty savior and sanctifier. He is the heavenly redeemer and giver of true purpose.

This year I want you to go to the next level in him. I want you to be used by God in greater ways. I want you to be so connected to his voice and his spirit that it becomes routine.  

My objective for this blog is to inspire you. My objective is for you to know how God desires to use you and fill you with living water.  My desire is for you to know that you don't have to thirst and hunger for the things of the World, because he who hungers and thirsts for righteousness will be filled! I write this to challenge our spiritual pallets.  God is real and God wants to use you for his Glory!  Let God use you in greater ways today! He wants more of you.

Let's Pray. Lord God I want to be used. I want to be used in greater ways for you. Use me Lord.  In Jesus name Amen.