There is an old saying that says "put your money where your mouth is." One thing you have to remember about moving in your dream is that it will be a risk. You are going to take a HUGE RISK at some point to see your dream come to pass. That risk may be leaving a job, it may be travelling, or gathering the resources to get your dream off the ground.
One day you are going to have to choose to go ALL IN AND BET ON YOURSELF. This is a challenge but it is also an opportunity. It is the time when you get to test the limits and MOVE WITH NO FEAR. Are you ready to bet on yourself? If you are, you are one step closer to your dream coming true.
I bet you've had many jobs and other opportunities that you couldn't stand. Be honest you have done many things that you didn't want to do, but you did them because you had to. Think about this. You spent all of that time BUILDING SOMEONE ELSE'S DREAM.
Understand that even when you BUILD YOUR DREAM you may have employees and people that work with you. However, this will be YOUR DREAM. At some point the owner of these companies you worked for had to BET ON THEMSELVES. They took a risk and you were a part of the fulfillment of their dream. I want to tell you that it may be time to do the same.
I decided to BET ON MYSELF. Do you have something that you believe can be a blessing to yourself and others? I know you do. That's why you need to move in faith and BET ON YOURSELF.
Scripture tells us of a woman that had "an issue of blood." We understand that she had been bleeding for twelve years but one day that would all stop. It would stop because she was about to BET ON HERSELF and tap into the SUPERNATURAL POWER OF JESUS.